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Smoking Research Foundation

What is the Smoking Research Foundation ?

The Smoking Research Foundation was established in 1986, as an independent non-profit organization.

The Foundation was re-organized in 2011 as a public interest incorporated foundation under the authorization by Prime Minister (Cabinet Office).

The Foundation aims to support financially a wide range of high quality scientific research projects on smoking and health, and to collect information about smoking related matters.
The researches supported by the Smoking Research Foundation are planned and performed by researchers mainly at universities. The results of the researches are published in an annual research report of the Smoking Research Foundation and also in scientific research journals in Japan and abroad.

Organization of the Smoking Research Foundation

The Smoking Research Foundation consists of board of directors, board of trustees, the science advisory committee and secretariat. Activities of the Smoking Research Foundation are decided at the board meeting. The review of research proposals and their selection for funding is performed by the science advisory committee and the selection for funding is finally determined by the board of trustees.
